Friday, September 27, 2013

Strange Poetry

Blue Earth

The galaxy is vast and it threatens to swallow me whole
It is pulling me into itself.

I am held fast to this earth and I know it will never let go of me
but when I look up I am afraid.

Obscurity wants me to live inside of it
forever and never let me go.

My pride says you must stretch your hand out beyond the nothingness
burn it if you have to, burn it into the hearts of men.

Reach until you find something great!
Go beyond the void!

But what is greatness and in the end who cares about the hearts of men
I will be a forgotten gravestone covered in dirt and leaves

The galaxy calls me to it my mind is drifting away to childhood memories
I remember looking up at the stars

I remember them clearly they are bright and shining in my mind
so close I can touch them but so far away

Like a moment you can only remember and anticipate
how long are you really there?

I fell into the galaxy the Earth was just a moment
who cares or remembers the hearts of men?

The heart of God is true greatness.

The Immortal Man

I lived forever it wasn't that long ago
I stood and watched the dust pile upon my shoulder

I lived forever it wasn't that long ago
I stood and watched the buildings crumble like ash

I lived forever it wasn't that long ago
I stood and watched the trees grow in their place

I lived forever it wasn't that long ago
I stood and watched the sun grow bigger and brighter

I lived forever it wasn't that long ago

When the galaxy swallowed me whole


You ask me what I want most in life
What is there to want?

You ask me if gold holds the key to my heart
There is not a key.

For if there is a key then my sweet love
There must also be a lock and chains

You ask me what I want most in life
What is there to want?

You ask me if I want the respect of man
To be honored as a queen

But if there is a queen sweet love
There must be a dungeon

You ask me what I want most in life
What is there to want?

Surely you must want to beloved the above all else
The apple of my eye

Oh my love, to be the apple of your eye would be my wish
But where you are there and there is no I

So in this world what I want most is to be free.

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